Healing from Your Home

Have you ever had a vision of what you wanted to do, and when you pursued it, it took you in a very different direction? Was it frustrating or exhilarating? Did you want to control the way it was going or did you allow yourself to change directions? I’d like to share my experience in pursuing my vision of changing my Chinese medicine practice and creating something a bit different than I imagined.

I had been practicing Chinese medicine for over ten years and found myself looking to do things a bit differently. I wanted to expand my abilities to serve people in working with their emotions.  Throughout my practice, I noticed how a persons’ life experience and their ability to react, affected their physical health. Chinese medicine connects the dots.  It teaches that emotions are connected with the physical body and that the spirit is also connected with emotions and body. The mind, body spirit connection.

From my training, I was able to see the relationships and I wanted to put more emphasis on the emotional component of health in my practice. I had already been adding this in, but I wanted to make it more prominent.

The vision I had involved creating a place where people could connect with nature and experience not only acupuncture and herbs but also receive different healing modalities.  In my experience, I had found that horse therapy and a therapy called B.E.S.T. offered unique ways of healing that focused on emotions.  These therapies were complements to what I was doing. I felt that if a person could experience this, they would heal much quicker.

Creating this vision involved having nature readily available for the client. So, I started to search for the right place by visiting many small towns. After visiting a variety of places, we found the place that felt perfect.  It was the Verde Valley in Arizona which encompasses several small towns. We found a home, moved, and then started to work on my dream. My vision was unfolding as I met people who would be instrumental in bringing it to fruition.  In the meantime, I started my practice of Chinese medicine in my home as I pursued this vision.

While pursuing my vision, I found myself writing down information that would come to me.  I started keeping a notebook with me at all times and writing whenever these ideas came. As this kept happening, my vision of creating a healing center went on the back burner. I continued to practice Chinese medicine however, my focus soon became writing. It was not what I had envisioned. Instead, my book, “Your Personal Guidance System: Unlock the Door to the Universe and Experience the Magic,” came into being.

This book is an important part of my healing center. It brings the spiritual aspect of life that was missing! It is a guidebook to help people discover the help they have always had. By following my guidance—the feelings, writing the information– I discovered an incredible piece that made my vision complete.

I have always enjoyed working with people, discovering their stories, and helping to live a better life and now I have a new tool to help them. By following your heart and feelings, your guidance will take you on your own unique path.  I will continue my vision, only now it has this incredible component—my book!

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

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